Eggstra Funny Egg Jokes!
Q: Why did the egg keep falling asleep?
A: He was egg-hausted.
Q: How do eggs get off a highway?
A: By using the eggs-it.
Q: What do chickens call a test at school?
A: An eggs-am.
Q: What was the egg’s favorite tree?
A: The mighty yoke tree.
Q: Where in California do most chickens live?
A: Sandi-Eggo.
Q: Why should you never say something funny to an egg white?
A: They'll never get the yolk.
Q: What do eggs do for fun at parties?
A: Sing kari-yolkie.
Q: Why do boiled eggs win more games than scrambled eggs?
A: Boiled eggs are hard to beat.
Q: What did the egg say to the clown?
A: You crack me up.
Q: What track events do hens compete in?
A: Re-lay races.
Q: Why did the egg cross the playground?
A: To get to the other slide.
Q: How do you make an egg roll?
A: Give it a little push down a hill.
Q: How many eggs does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: None, silly! Eggs don’t have hands.
Q: What do you say to an omelette who gets a good grade?
A: Eggcellent!
Q: What did the chicken order at Starbucks?
A: An Eggspresso.
Q: How can an egg fall 7 feet without breaking?
A: Drop it 8 feet – it doesn’t break for the first 7.
Q: Did Humpty Dumpty have a great fall?
A: Yep. Right after a hot summer.
Q: What did the person say when the egg said hello?
A: Wow! – a talking egg.
Q: What do you get when you cross a hen with a cement truck?
A: A brick layer.
Q: How do eggs stay in shape?
A: With lots of eggsercise.
Q: How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach?
A: One. After that, your stomach won’t be empty.
Q: What did the football team choose an egg as a quarterback?
A: He scrambled well.
Q: How do you know when it's a really hot day?
A: Hens are laying hard-boiled eggs.